nVIDIA hasn't produced any "4200" cards since the GF4 Ti-4200, in 2002, and if for some reason, you still had one and tried to use it, naturally, it would fail.
The only CPUs available in 2002 would similarly be unable to run this game, so either you do not know what your hardware is (I have no interest in looking up what that model number you offered means. You are the one who should have done that, already), or you need a new computer badly.
Actually the OP is correct here, it has an Nvidia 4200 quadro card. Still not really meant for games. It looks to be about as powerful as an Nvidia GT 520M from some of the specs I looked up. An i5 CPU as well.
OP: you said you added the .ini fix? Did it look like this?
Open up the .ini file located in My Documents>My Games>Fallout 3. *Do not alter the one in the actual game directory labeled Fallout_Default_ini*
In the FALLOUT.ini find the line
change the 0 to a 1
then below it add the line
Also might want to post a dxdiag. But the truth is the quadro cards are made for video editing and are not made for gaming.