IC: In Torval
Jo'zadkrin walked away, never looking back. Now he was free from his mother's drunken oppression, and he could do what he always wanted to do.
Jo'zadkrin was raised in a slightly broken home. His father left when he was only a cub, and his mother got addicted to skooma shortly after. He only had two siblings; A Cathay brother named Ji'yiska, and an Alfiq-Raht sister named Va'sozsa.
Jo'zadkrin was Dagi-Raht himself, being born on the sixth of Rain's Hand. Naturally, he liked to climb high up into the trees, and he also loved another Dagi-Raht like himself. Her name was Ma'viiyes, and she was Jo'zadkrin's only friend. Well except for Va'sozsa.
Jo'zadkrin had an inborn talent for magic. He would practice late into the night on spells that alter the physical laws of the world, as well as some...forceful magic. Jo'zadkrin was especially skilled in the arts of telepathic alterations and communications. This means he was one of the only Khajiit to know what Va'sozsa was thinking. Though Jo'zadkrin hadn't been able to learn to teleport yet.
Whenever Jo'zadkrin can, he would escape from his mother's household to learn some more magic from the nearby Mystic's Den in Torval, when he had enough septims for tutoring, or climbing trees with Ma'viiyes. In his mind, Ma'viiyes was the best thing that happened to him. And Jo'zadkrin fell in love with her.
Jo'zadkrin kept that confidential, though, as he didn't want to be ridiculed by his cynical brother, or rejected by Ma'viiyes. Though one day, on Jo'zadkrin's sixteenth birthday, the coming of age for Khajiit, he proposed to Ma'viiyes, finally professing his deep love for her. Sadly, this was one-sided, as Ma'viiyes climbed down from the branches they were perched on and ran off to the city. Jo'zadkrin never saw her again.
It was then that Jo'zadkrin fully realized that he wanted out of the way of life he lived, barely scraping by money to have his mystic lessons, and his mother's addiction sorely bruising that. Jo'zadkrin packed a few belongings of his -- a journal he has kept for all the lessons he learned from the Mystic's Den, some gold, ink and a quill, a waterskin of his own make, some food borrowed from the family's pantry, and his sandals -- and told his siblings that he would adventure into the vast corners of Tamriel, possibly returning with great wealth.
Well, maybe that last part was a lie; Jo'zadkrin honestly doesn't know whether or not he will live past the Elsweyr border. Right now, Jo'zadkrin's plan was to get to Corinthe and see what supplies and information he'll get from there.
Walking along the road north, the date is 7th of Rain's Hand, 4E 25. And this is the start of Jo'zadkrin's untold, but epic adventure.
OOC: How bad was it?