
Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:36 am

So for my grand finally, I will clear Oblivion returning to my signature character, and focusing on my signature piece of advise :Use Alchemy.

This is the build:

Zakarius Svedlin
Grand Alchemist
The Serpent
Luck, Personality
Alchemy, Athletics, Conjuration, Destruction, Mercantile, Speechcraft, Sneak

This will likely be my last oblivion character because Mortal Kombat comes out the 19th and if it is even half as good as I hope it will be, it will surely dominate my life.

Post your comments on the build here if you like. Peace.
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Genocidal Cry
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:45 pm

Interesting build, took your alchemy advice for one / all my builds and it really does fill the holes in any character build.

Any reason for choosing imperial instead of a more mage-centric race?

As far as spell crafting goes, does the serpent sign give you any inherent spell crafting ability?
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:30 am

Interesting build, took your alchemy advice for one / all my builds and it really does fill the holes in any character build.

Any reason for choosing imperial instead of a more mage-centric race?

As far as spell crafting goes, does the serpent sign give you any inherent spell crafting ability?

First off, THANK YOU and spread the word.

The Zakarius Svedlin character is my running character he has been reincarnated many times but is always an imperial.

I picked the serpent just for the heck of it. I know its a poor choice but it felt right.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:36 am

i like alchemy i really do, but i really like poisons and i don't see a way for you to effectively use them. Athletics seems a little meh, it also hard to level for efficient leveling, so i don't see why you picked that.

I don't know how much you intend to use sneak, but illusion and marksman go with this skill. There isn't a sneak bonus for destruction.

Race isn't important and i like playing imperials,

the serpents kinda meh, but birthsigns don't really add up to a hill of beans in the end anyway. Maybe the atronack would be better, it makes you rely on alchemy that much more

Anyway you know what your doing, i read your character creation thread good stuff in there.
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Maya Maya
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:05 pm

I suppose this is the ultimate test of your Alchemy theory, Zak. Good luck to you. Let me know how you get on, as I'm interested in playing an alchemist character also. I tried it once before but the roleplay didn't take off, perhaps soon I will try again.
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Tyler F
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:42 am

Decided to make some tweaks:

Zakarius Svedlin
Grand Alchemist
The Atronach
Luck, Personality
Alchemy, Blade, Conjuration, Destruction, Illusion, Mercantile, Speechcraft

Starting today.
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Sarah Evason
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:31 am

Good luck with your alchemist.

It's funny; yesterday I just started a new Alchemist character myself.
Altmer Atronach; Magic; Luck & Endurance.
Acrobatics, Alchemy, Athletics, Mercantile, Security, Sneak, Speechcraft

My previous attempt at an alchemist, which I finally abandoned at level 19, had Illlusion and Conjuration as majors along with the Alchemy, and gradually turned into an Illusionist more than Alchemist. She was, in fact, far too powerful a mage at that level. By starting this character with nearly non-existent fighting and defensive skills, I hope to really test the limits of Alchemy.

This character will be forced to rely on poisons to buff a very low weapon skill, and on potions for nearly everything else. She will never have access to the Arcane University, and will never pay for training any minor skill; I'm hoping that will limit the tendency to drift into a reliance on Destruction, Illusion, and Conjuration.
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