So how do you make your own scopes exactly? By that I mean the overlay you see when you zoom in. I've been wanting to make an ACOG one for some time but I know you have to use it from a mesh or something? I'm not entirely sure on how it's set up. Any help would be appreciated.
Pelinor mentioned that he had a way to do it with Texture, but I have no clue how. He mentioned needing fose to do it. He also has a reticle resource on the Nexus.
Dissect the vanilla scope01.nif in your 3d editor and you will find the mesh that makes up the reticle or cross-hair. With all the big black layers, it's hard to find. Maybe a little easier in wire frame mode. When you make a mesh the way you want it, add vertex color to it of what ever color you want to see when you peer through. Export it and copy/paste it into what ever existing reticle you want to use, and of course delete the existing nitri cross hair that is there. Some of the reitcles I looked at had multiple cross hair mesh, I mean like 10 or 20 of them. They are not needed that I know of. I suspect they were created from an export/import error or something. The vanilla has a dds file attached that gives the 'blurred lens' look when viewing through the scope. Your preference really on whether to use that or none at all.
All that's really needed is a vertex painted black square plane to block the view other than the circle in the middle which is open. Then the cross-hairs or dot that makes up your reticle. If you want to blur the view you will need another circle mesh with an alpha property attached to the nitri and a semi-opaque texture to attach.
I'm sure you know this, but in case... When/if you make the semi-opaque texture, save it with at least dxt3 since the dxt1 wont save the alpha channel and you wont be able to see threw your new blurry lens.