Yeah, that was what I was talking about before. The 18" variant only does like 60 damage in my game. Basically turns everyone into a bullet sponge. Even unarmed and unarmored characters; of course, they do go hostile in my game and do attack. The 10.5" variant does like 128 damage in my game.
SteveDog, it appears there is a bug in the assembly with the LMG kits that I can't seem to solve. Whenever you try to reassemble the weapon as a LMG it only spits out the field stripped ACR again. It seems to work okay with any other variant but for some reason this doesn't work properly. So for now anyone trying to assemble an LMG, just make some other variant and equip the LMG kit afterward until we can find a way to fix this.
Also T3T check the names on the LMG kits, you'll notice the Camo variants don't have the proper camo name on the in-game name and the scoped variants are still called ACOG (my fault really). I already changed it on the regular version and it also probably needs to be changed on the FWE one along with whatever bugs the community is finding.
I don't know about the bugs (because I'm using the configs said bugs are being reported on and they work fine) but I already corrected the scope/ACOG thing in the patch. I'll take a look at the camo thing though.
EDIT: One thing I'm going to do though, is change it so ALL of the ACR's are firing 5.56mm projectiles. It looks a bit... odd in VATS when you're sniping a dude with a teeny, tiny bullet.
I just did some more testing, and it seems that the bug I found before applies to ANY loadout including a silencer. It seems something about the silencer makes the gun do 0 damage and have no effect on NPC's, not even angering them.
Oh, and there are bars on the sides
@T3T: Do you know, specifically, which kit does this?
@Kirb: As far as I am aware there are no silencer issues, any more. What issue are you having?
Maybe Zealotlee, T3T and I should all meet in the same cyber-place and time to get these little bugs figured out so were not merging mods that overwrite fixes with the old bugs.
If I apply a 10 inch or an 18 inch barrel to a 14.5'', Scoped, Silenced Black ACR, it gives me a new gun with the applied, and I keep the old 14.5'', Scoped, Silenced Black ACR.
Well I've uploaded the current files as patches right now so that should fix any immediate concerns. That was before I saw T3T's comment about the 14.5" configs...
We should all meet up somewhere and discuss this. I was considering at least giving T3T access to editing the ACR file on the nexus so he could at least update the FWE plug-in himself.
wats the next update going to include? i think i speak for many when i say a grenade launcher would be absoulutly steak and chips...
I saw the exCalibr add on for their weapon shop where they had a SCAR with a M203 grenade launcher on it, and it didn't look that bad functionally. It also had some other features like 3-round burst, which I thought about looking into and making the 14.5 version a 3-round burst shot. I think that would make the 14.5" barrel a clearer option to choose. As for the grenade launcher that will be put on hold for now. The scripts are getting pretty complex as it is but I'll look into finding a way to possibly have it.