I'm James, 18, UK/Birmingham and I've been playing games since as long as I can remember. I've been compet gaming for years now. I've attended LAN's and been in various "successful" teams since (2005/2011) Warcraft 3, BF 2142, Gears of War and most recently & my strongest game, Halo 3. I have played against/played with/competed with some of the best teams/players coming out of the EU at LAN and online. I love competitive gaming and it's the only way I can properly enjoy a game.
I didn't like Reach, so I stopped playing Halo all together now. Reach was far to slow paced for me and I was playing for just over 2 years so I was getting bored of the Genre in general. I've only looked at bits and bobs on Brink and it looks amazing. Very fast paced and I'm sure it brings alot of insane individual skill/teamwork/dedication to the game. Which is exactly why I want to play it!
Just wondering if anyone has the same idea as me, and why you're going into Brink competitively. Hopefully, it won't be a let down but I'm sure it will be good.
I'll be playing from day 1 and I'd prefer to have a few good/potential EU/UK players to be sweating the game with me.
If theres anyone from HRF on this forum, then Z loves you ;D
