Now I am also concerned about this idiocracy over the word "Scrolls" I myself never even called Oblivion "The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion" or "The Elder Scrolls V" MAYBE I call it "TESV" but it is impossible to confuse the 2 games and this only damages the rep of Bethesda (Since 90% of Mojang fans (so 90% people out of 3,027,613 people who only bought the game) don't know its actually ZeniMax sue'ing Mojang. In my experience with this I saw 3 of my friends cancel a pre-order to Skyrim which is very sad since because of ZeniMax's stupidity and thirst for money Bethesda is damaged. Here is also one example from Notch's twitter about "Scrolls"
@notch Called up a game shop, asked if they were taking preorders on "the new Elder Scrolls." He didn't know what it was 'til I said Skyrim.
Now that also happened to me when I visited a game store no one and I mean NO ONE calls it "The Elder Scrolls" (At least in this country...) it was, is and will be called Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim and it will always be remembered by that name. Admins before you close this topic please do spill some light on this situation I hope none of the Bethesda employees are behind this stupidity... (If you read some news threads you can see how much people are making fun of Bethesda this most certainly only damaged Bethesda's reputation...)