Public Dungeons - What were you thinking? So, now people get to go spelunking in MY dungeons and loot my potential epic chest..? OK, for real, here's the entirety of my beef on that choice: All of the main quests seem centered around public areas in which players SWARM by the dozens on dozens on dozens and utterly annihilate everything that can be tabbed hostile in a matter of seconds. This results in me being able to complete many, many, many quests by simply walking up to the objective NPC and pressing "E". All lootable objects are shared in this case. NO. If I wanted to share with random players, I'd invite them come along. (Public dungeons ARE NOT the dungeons you'll be doing in a group to defeat bosses and obtain loot.)
All players get personal loot. That means each player loots something that only shows for them alone. There are no ninjas and stuff because the loot is not shared.
NO ENDGAME RAIDS - Have the articles, can't post them.
There are 12 men raids.
The beta felt lackluster, and, despite what you may think, it wasn't because of your graphics (which I found utterly beautiful BY THE WAY), it's because you're delivering to us a single-player RPG experience with multiplayer capabilities and then enforcing a sub, wait, WAIT, here's the part most fans DON'T KNOW, upon launch, they are releasing MICROTRANSACTIONS! So, me having a degree in business, let me see. Sounds like you plan for the eventual failure of the games subscription module and are planning to use the microtransactions as a bailout once the game drops to f2p.
WoW and EVE (there may be others too) have both monthly sub and micros and they are VERY successful MMOs. I don't have a problem with micros as long as they only deal in vanity items and character re-customisations
Matt Firor was quoted: There are no raids, after all – "That's not Elder Scrolls," says Game Director Matt Firor – but there are four-man dungeons and three-faction open PvP with sieges in the beleaguered province of Cyrodiil.
Looks like that quote is really out of date