i played the game, of course i am a fan. its worth being a fan of. why would i be here if i was not a fan? who wastes time on a forum for a game they dont like?
i played the game, of course i am a fan. its worth being a fan of. why would i be here if i was not a fan? who wastes time on a forum for a game they dont like?
"SOME OF THE BEST NIGHTBLADES I PLAYED WITH WERE HEALERS." Beta ends at level 20, so much experience man.
I see what you did there...
Well played sir.
1. Mixed thoughts. I don't see open beta as being required for any game, but NDA is a bit concerning. If they keep NDA all the way to release, then I will start to wonder the motivation behind it.
2. Agreed. Better phasing would go a long way. It will be fine after the hype has died down, but it won't leave a good impression for new players. Especially the folk who are "one and done" type of gamers.
3. Solo content you are wrong. NDA so cannot give specific examples. As for end-game content, I expect there will be much more flexibility than what most games allow.
4 and 5 don't concern me. It is standard practice to offer bonus whatevers for pre-orders. It is also increasingly becoming standard practice to still allow people to "purchase" those bonuses after release. A marketing game that the devs themselves have little control over.
I see a lot of selective quoting, I expected as much.
F a n b o y is censored hence I used ebonics to make up for the censorship. Yawn, next. Don't you just feel stupid now?
I see so much selective quoting, I didn't really expect that from TES crowd.
"if you respond to this with troll or open hostility, I have no reason to reply" - because you can't seem to read too well.
i guess you are not THE voice of the people then after all
Actualy I might be wrong but I realy doubt that zenimax ever intended none templar to be "main healers". The restauration staff is more likely just a way to let poeple to play with their friends. What none of us is a real healer ? Well, I leved my resto staff, lets see if we can rock on a little bit.
What level is that, exactly? You explained nothing and your opening statement was an insult.
...Probably should have taught you that starting with "Zenimax, I am THE voice of the people. Hear me." isn't going to do you any favours in selling your opinion.
Eh, half and half but there are more 'you's' than I thought. Argue with your love for TES and suppress anyone who causes you to experience deep, apprehensive fear of the titles failure and not for logic or market demographic.
you miss the point. you can talk against things, you should do so without insulting and certainly without saying you speak for everyone
...how the hell did I insult you at all? I feel like I'm losing intelligence by conversing with you. You're not only making no sense..you're just saying things.
I have the complete opposite thoughts. Seems to me Templar is more an option for those who want to keep using their 2h swords and whacking things in the face while still having access to heals. The Templar passives (I don't think are still under NDA? On other wiki websites...) don't offer enough to convince me to roll a Templar over any other class as far as healing.
I can't keep up with the myriad strawmans and the topics just spinning from issues at hand to apparently courteousness and people skillz.