*Light grunts* Er, let me get mine in right quick.
PM'd right?
Yes PM it to me please

I've added a reserved spot for your character in the Dramatis personae and character sheet list.
Pfft, what is that supposed to mean Atomic?

He said he wanted to join anyway before I even said anything.
It be a compliment

So, are these just going to be your average brain-dead zombies with an undying craving to eat human flesh, or will they have some sort of ... intelligence - for the lack of a better word - among them?
They arent going to be walking around bumping into things like most zombies but they will certainly be after us. Some will retain simple abilities and skills from life (such as the ability to use crude instruments and tools.. like weapons) The primary difference between the Blackscale undead and standard fresh from the ground is they never technically died in the normal sense, they didnt have time to rot away or develop rigormortis, so we will have to deal with an increased mobility from them that we wouldnt experience from other zombies.
Also, http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1056579&st=0&gopid=15333648entry15333648 If you have a problem with your dramatis persona summary tell me what needs changing or just PM me your own and i'll edit it in.
Writing up a post now.