Will this work with FWE 6.0? And also how will this work with containers that are added by quest mods that adds new areas? Could you be a bit more specific about how traps are handled?
Yes, the mod works fine with FWE 6.0 The crowbar added by FWE is not recognized by ZORTS, nor is the science book perk. Next version will include a compatibility patch, as they (unlike the lockpicking book perk) actually require one to function.
Pretty much everything in this mod is controlled by quest scripts, so almost all functionality will work with mod added containers and in new areas. The only exception are the trapped containers with custom HP, which is why this functionality is added as optional esps. In essence, they work by placing a script on the lock, that uses the OnGrab block to set a number of variables that specify the HP, damage absorbtion and (optional) trap of the container. The primary recipients of these scripts are safes and metal doors. If a mod adds a container, this container will not have custom HP, so ZORTS will default to computing HP and damage absorbtion by the locklevel of the container. These containers will not be trapped. The custom HP esps come with bash tags, so if you use garybash, you can place the default custom HP esp early in your load order and include it in your bashed patch.
If the player is manipulating a trapped lock, a quest is started. During the manipulation, the player may detect the trap (dependent on lockpicking skill and perception). If the detection check is successful, the player can try to disarm the trap (again dependent on lockpicking and perception). If the trap is either not detected or not disarmed, it is activated through a spell applied to the player. The player may dodge the spell effect (dependent on an agility roll).