[RELz] Zumbs' Overhauled Real-Time Security

Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:54 pm

Will this work with FWE 6.0? And also how will this work with containers that are added by quest mods that adds new areas? Could you be a bit more specific about how traps are handled?

Yes, the mod works fine with FWE 6.0 :) The crowbar added by FWE is not recognized by ZORTS, nor is the science book perk. Next version will include a compatibility patch, as they (unlike the lockpicking book perk) actually require one to function.

Pretty much everything in this mod is controlled by quest scripts, so almost all functionality will work with mod added containers and in new areas. The only exception are the trapped containers with custom HP, which is why this functionality is added as optional esps. In essence, they work by placing a script on the lock, that uses the OnGrab block to set a number of variables that specify the HP, damage absorbtion and (optional) trap of the container. The primary recipients of these scripts are safes and metal doors. If a mod adds a container, this container will not have custom HP, so ZORTS will default to computing HP and damage absorbtion by the locklevel of the container. These containers will not be trapped. The custom HP esps come with bash tags, so if you use garybash, you can place the default custom HP esp early in your load order and include it in your bashed patch.

If the player is manipulating a trapped lock, a quest is started. During the manipulation, the player may detect the trap (dependent on lockpicking skill and perception). If the detection check is successful, the player can try to disarm the trap (again dependent on lockpicking and perception). If the trap is either not detected or not disarmed, it is activated through a spell applied to the player. The player may dodge the spell effect (dependent on an agility roll).
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Batricia Alele
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:29 am

Thanks for the info. If I tweaked the ZORT ini file to match your FWE changes wouldn't new containers be covered regarding lockbashing as well? Not that I plan on bashing many locks as I'm gonna use the Extreme Destruction esp. One thing that I think is a bit off, is that with your otherwise glorious mod, tagging Lockpicking becomes less important as with default settings you do not need to max it out at all. And even less so with the Skill Book Perks from FWE and even more so with better Lockpicks. Of course I could just tweak the ini to match my requirements, but I find it a bit hard to come up with a good balance between never succeedíng opening a lock and needing to max my lockpicking skill. My current character has tagged Lockpicking and I'd rather not have to start over yet again. Maybe you could give me a few pointers as math isn't my strongest side :P
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:54 am

If I tweaked the ZORT ini file to match your FWE changes wouldn't new containers be covered regarding lockbashing as well?

I'm unsure what you mean? HP of containers are increased if FWE is detected, if that is what you are asking. Changing the lockbash settings in the ini will have global efffect on all locks, mod added or not.

One thing that I think is a bit off, is that with your otherwise glorious mod, tagging Lockpicking becomes less important as with default settings you do not need to max it out at all. And even less so with the Skill Book Perks from FWE and even more so with better Lockpicks.

The main advantage of lockpicking (compared to other means of opening locks) is that lockpicking is silent. Lockbashing, prying or usage of explosives is noisy, so it cannot be performed with to many witnesses near. Naturally, if you are alone in the middle of nowhere, there is not other problem than time usage (and destruction of your weapon) keeping you from bashing open a lock. You do, however, have a point with the skill book perks from FWE and the better lockpicks. But the better lockpicks are reasonably rare and you need to have a high skill to get of the FWE book perks (at 40, the bonus is just +1, and at 100 it is +9 to your roll after reading at least 27 books).

Of course I could just tweak the ini to match my requirements, but I find it a bit hard to come up with a good balance between never succeedíng opening a lock and needing to max my lockpicking skill. My current character has tagged Lockpicking and I'd rather not have to start over yet again. Maybe you could give me a few pointers as math isn't my strongest side :P

Basicly, the method used to determine success is that if 2d(ZumbsLockpickDiceToRoll) + LockpickSkill - ZumbsLockpickSkillPenalty + bonuses is larger than the locklevel of the lock, the lock is picked. Note that (unlike Oblivion) the Very Easy locklevel is 0, Easy is 25, Average is 50 and so on in increments of 25. The point of the algorithm used to determine success is that if you have x in lockpicking, you will on an average roll be able to open a lock of locklevel x. So, a starting character with lockpicking tagged will likely open the Very Easy and the Easy locks in the first try, but will need some tries to open an Average lock. Hard or Very Hard locks will be to difficult.

To make it more difficult, you could reduce ZumbsLockpickDiceToRoll or increase ZumbsLockpickSkillPenalty. Increasing ZumbsLockpickSkillPenalty will make the roll more important, and reducing ZumbsLockpickDiceToRoll will make your skill more important when determining success. As two dice are rolled, the roll mentioned above will tend towards the average roll (ZumbsLockpickDiceToRoll + 1), as can be seen on http://topps.diku.dk/torbenm/troll.msp (enter sum 2d25 and chose "Calculate probabilities" to see the probabilties).

I expect that setting ZumbsLockpickDiceToRoll to 20 will give a decent tradeoff between making it slightly more difficult, but still having a reasonable chance to pick open a lock. That is, to have a ~50 % chance to open an Average lock you would need to have a lockpicking skill of 54 (using bobby pins and no bookperk). With the first level of the bookperk, you would need to have 52, and with the highest quality lockpicks you would need 42. For a Very Hard lock (locklevel 100), you would need 104 to get a ~50 % chance, compared to 99 with default settings.
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Julie Ann
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:19 am

I'm unsure what you mean? HP of containers are increased if FWE is detected, if that is what you are asking. Changing the lockbash settings in the ini will have global efffect on all locks, mod added or not.

Well you mentioned earlier that if it was an added container it would gain HP as per default of the mod and I assume it meant that even if using the optional FWE esp you would still not get the Custom Hp's which is needed due to FWE's much greater weapon damage.

The main advantage of lockpicking (compared to other means of opening locks) is that lockpicking is silent. Lockbashing, prying or usage of explosives is noisy, so it cannot be performed with to many witnesses near. Naturally, if you are alone in the middle of nowhere, there is not other problem than time usage (and destruction of your weapon) keeping you from bashing open a lock. You do, however, have a point with the skill book perks from FWE and the better lockpicks. But the better lockpicks are reasonably rare and you need to have a high skill to get of the FWE book perks (at 40, the bonus is just +1, and at 100 it is +9 to your roll after reading at least 27 books).

Ok, I thought the bonus was much higher. In the FWE readme the perk is described to give +10 bonus which seemed a bit high. Do the better lockpicks break like Bobby Pins or more like the Lockpicks in your Oblivion mod?

Basicly, the method used to determine success is that if 2d(ZumbsLockpickDiceToRoll) + LockpickSkill - ZumbsLockpickSkillPenalty + bonuses is larger than the locklevel of the lock, the lock is picked. Note that (unlike Oblivion) the Very Easy locklevel is 0, Easy is 25, Average is 50 and so on in increments of 25. The point of the algorithm used to determine success is that if you have x in lockpicking, you will on an average roll be able to open a lock of locklevel x. So, a starting character with lockpicking tagged will likely open the Very Easy and the Easy locks in the first try, but will need some tries to open an Average lock. Hard or Very Hard locks will be to difficult.

To make it more difficult, you could reduce ZumbsLockpickDiceToRoll or increase ZumbsLockpickSkillPenalty. Increasing ZumbsLockpickSkillPenalty will make the roll more important, and reducing ZumbsLockpickDiceToRoll will make your skill more important when determining success. As two dice are rolled, the roll mentioned above will tend towards the average roll (ZumbsLockpickDiceToRoll + 1), as can be seen on http://topps.diku.dk/torbenm/troll.msp (enter sum 2d25 and chose "Calculate probabilities" to see the probabilties).

I expect that setting ZumbsLockpickDiceToRoll to 20 will give a decent tradeoff between making it slightly more difficult, but still having a reasonable chance to pick open a lock. That is, to have a ~50 % chance to open an Average lock you would need to have a lockpicking skill of 54 (using bobby pins and no bookperk). With the first level of the bookperk, you would need to have 52, and with the highest quality lockpicks you would need 42. For a Very Hard lock (locklevel 100), you would need 104 to get a ~50 % chance, compared to 99 with default settings.

Thanks for the info so far. Thanks for clarifying the math in a way I can understand. Do you have any idea when an update for your mod will be released? No hurries, merely curious :)
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jennie xhx
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:52 pm

Well you mentioned earlier that if it was an added container it would gain HP as per default of the mod and I assume it meant that even if using the optional FWE esp you would still not get the Custom Hp's which is needed due to FWE's much greater weapon damage.

All HP and Damage Absorbtion stats are multiplied by ZumbsFWEHPMult which defaults to 1, but is set to 2 if FWE, Arwens Realism Tweeks or Fallout Advanced are detected.

Ok, I thought the bonus was much higher. In the FWE readme the perk is described to give +10 bonus which seemed a bit high.

The increase is +10 to the game setting fLockSkillBase which increases your chance of forcing open a lock. Its default value is 10, and at 100 the player has a 100% chance of forcing open any lock. It is a quite powerful perk, which is why I plan to double the bonus on the skill check in ZORTS 2.1. This would also bring it more in line with many of the other perks that give a +3% bonus on something related to the skill. An alternative could be to improve the prying ability of the player, but that would be against the philosophy of the FWE book perks as they improve your chance of being successful with your skill if that makes any sense for the skill in question.

Do the better lockpicks break like Bobby Pins or more like the Lockpicks in your Oblivion mod?

Neither, actually :) When the lockpicks get damaged, their condition is reduced, until they break. They can be repaired using other lockpicks, a lockpick repair kit or scrap metal.

Thanks for the info so far. Thanks for clarifying the math in a way I can understand. Do you have any idea when an update for your mod will be released? No hurries, merely curious :)

You are welcome :) I have a few things left to do before releasing it, but it is fairly close.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:21 am

You are welcome :) I have a few things left to do before releasing it, but it is fairly close.

And here it is! Version 2.1 is out now with the following changes:

  • New Feature: Added 3rd person lockpicking animation
  • Tweek: More difficult to dodge traps
  • Tweek: Increase explosives damage by 50%
  • Tweek: Terminals can now jam - infiltrator perk saves against it (but cannot fix it)
  • Bugfix: Show conditions for Master Safecracker perk
  • Compatibility: Hopefully fixed an issue with RTS where the attack key would not be disabled when lockpicks were out.
  • Compatibility: Increased bonus for FWE lockpicking book perk
  • Compatibility: Recognizes FWE crowbar (use ZORTS - Disable FWE activate.esp)
  • Compatibility: Detects FWE science book perk to improve chance of hacking a terminal (use ZORTS - Disable FWE activate.esp)

DOWNLOAD: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9801 | http://planetfallout.gamespy.com/mods/391/Zumbs-Overhauled-Real-Time-Security
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brandon frier
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:37 am

Great! :) Now all I need is an update to FWE so I can continue my game. Luckily I have lots of games to play. I have tested it a bit and so far I've seen no problems. Will post any bugs I encounter.
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Stephanie I
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:46 pm

Version 2.2 is out now, fixing a bug where canceling placement of explosives would still count as a crime.

DOWNLOAD: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9801 | http://planetfallout.gamespy.com/mods/391/Zumbs-Overhauled-Real-Time-Security
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